Dear David,
Good morning! I'm still lying in bed this morning - I was out til 3am last night. Not a drop of alcohol and had a great night with Mo, Larry, Curly, the radgester, and Kylie. The conversation was great! I had so much fun and a really good laugh.
Glasgow is great for a night out, it has to be said. We started in chinaskis and then went to the merchant city. Night time fashion in Glasgow is hilarious these days - this makes me feel like an old fart - but it's true. It's a sea of tits, hair and teeth with hareem pants thrown in for good measure. Some people can pull these kind of pants off but mostly ladies look like those who didn't make the cut for Disney's Aladdin.
I was very good yesterday. Shake in morning, almonds for mid morning, salmon and salad for lunch, almonds for mid afternoon and shake for tea. Day peppered with temptation too. Uncle had birthday party and food was carbilicious. I had brought salmon salad with me as I knew spread would be carb-tastic!
Then, of course, the no alcohol which proved millions easier than Thursday. I also took some thermobubbles before I went out and that kept me awake and perky when I was out. Result!
If you are squeamish, stop reading now!
Yesterday was also....wait for it...the day of my first colonic! Holey moley! Or my holey moley, to be precise. I just thought 'what's the point of putting all this healthy stuff in if it's backed up on 32 years of shite?'
I went to the lovely Kim Tan at the Regent Medical Clinic in the West End of Glasgow. Kim is a nurse from Malaysia but has been in the UK for well over 20 years now. She chatters like a little happy, sunshiny bird and there is a tube inserted where the sun don't shine before you even notice it. I found her on the Colonic Association website who provide a list of fully qualified people in your area.
It's not unpleasant, it's not pleasant. It's just a colonic. You empty bowels beforehand, strip from waist down, dignity covered on table, lie on side and wait apprehensively for the tube.
During the procedure, you lie on your side, while warm water is passed into your bowel through a tube that is inserted into your holey moley. The water circulates through your colon in order to encourage your bowel to empty itself. Waste products are then passed out of your body through the tube. The tube is closed off and you have to wait til you feel like you need to go and holler at Kim and then years of abuse of ones colon flushes down the tube.
After about 10 minutes, you have to lie on your back while the therapist gently massages your abdomen to help the process along. The whole procedure took about 40-45 minutes.
It was £65 for 1 session. I booked another one after being seduced by Kim's enthusiasm about them. She is also a reflexologist and gave me tips and worksheets away with me. Seemingly if you put a finger in the dimple of your chin and massage clockwise, it helps keep you regular.
With finger in dimple, I am going back to bed.
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