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Monday, May 30, 2011

Day One Hundred & Twenty Five: Shite

Dear David,

What a day! Not too bad though. The Witch is back in the office, which is nice and I had lunch with the Jag and we vented. Lovely. Boss is definitely right off me and the feeling is mutual. We are sending each other tentative, nice emails (while sitting moments from each other) in an attempt to recapture the love. A few jokes and smiley faces but I think the damage might be done! Roll on July and end of contract.

Company have moved to an outsourced model and want all day rate contractors out by the year end. This means that I am being worked out of a job, or expected to work myself out of a job and some chap from Delhi will be sitting in my seat by the 1st of August. Stuck between a rock and a very hard place. If I don't deliver then I'm shit and I am out of a job and if I do deliver, all the hard bits have been delivered and I'm out of a job.

My brain complete with tumour from last time
To top off fantastic week I think my tumour is back. I have got trigeminal neuralgia again and have passed out from the pain in my head six times in the last fourteen days. The residual pain is now actually unbearable. I have the pure white rage and am using every fibre of my body to control it. I'm exhausted but I can't sleep. I have a pain in my back where my adrenal glands are and that's not good. Got emergency appointment with endocrinologist on Thursday.

Let's just this say that this could potentially be a teeny tiny bit shite.



Food: protein shake (Vanilla), almonds for mid morning snack, chicken breast, beetroot and salad for lunch, can of tuna for late afternoon snack, protein shake (Vanilla) for dinner + couple of teaspoons of sugar free peanut butter

Supplements: Thermobubbles, Vitamin Superjuice (Raspberry), Flush and Cleanse, Hoodia

Exercise: None.. FFS

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