Dear David,
Well, what a weekend! I got up early on Saturday and went for another colonic with Melissa at the Regency Clinic. It was quite an experience and seemed to be never ending. I went to Arcaffe afterwards for a fantastic egg white omelette and some green tea. I waited in town for my sisters for a couple of hours as the process of getting ready was rather slower than one hoped. I sloped down to Sauchiehall Street and had a look in a few shops and then the clan turned up at about half one. We went to Cos, Space.NK and then headed to Fifi and Ally for lunch and I had a smoked salmon salad. Headed back from Glasgow and then packed a case to head into Edinburgh to meet some friends to watch the tail end of the rugby.
There were friends of friends over from Torino for the Scotland vs. Italy match and we met in Finnegan's Wake and then went dancing in Po Na Na. Quite a night and have to admit to having a shot of vodka. Again, totally not worth it....but I had fun, company was great and I laughed my head off! Headed back to the apartment I had rented. Beautiful place called the Chester Residence. I had booked it for myself and my sister (other sister was staying in Glasgow for a hen night) so that we could spend a bit of time together and give her a treat before she is launched headfirst into three essays but it didn't really turn out that way. They had given me a hamper as a returning guest and I have to say I looked longingly at the popcorn, retro sweets, biscuits, juice, chocolate....
Up early on Sunday and then went for breakfast after we had checked out. My sister's boyfriend had stayed and a friend of mine and we headed over to The West Rooms. I had a massive kipper and poached eggs and it was nothing short of delicious, simply delicious. Headed back to Glasgow after breakfast (well brunch) and went to Greaves Sports, where I got my gait analysis done in order to buy the most comfy but probably most hideous looking pair of trainers that have ever graced the face of the earth. I also stocked up on some lycra-style running gear.
It's so funny how when you dress for normal life, you can wear stuff that tricks the eye into thinking that one is more slender than one actually is. I put all the running gear on last night and I am a wee butterball. I think you know you have reached your goal weight when you look good in lycra. It really was a sight to behold.
Early bed last night and up bright and early this morning to hit Mabel for a wee fifteen minutes. I was full of beans this morning and it was really good day. I did, however, call one of my colleagues 'Dad' while having a conversation with him - I thought I was going to die laughing and have no idea where it came from. I have had very itchy skin of late and think it is the culmination of one cheat to many so am doing three shakes a day, with two snacks to allow my body to cleanse itself and then introduce other foods in after a couple of weeks.
I am doing to do a weigh in tomorrow and then I am not weighing myself for one month, for the first month of running training as I expect an increase in muscle and I find any kind of gain rather demoralising. I am starting running on Wednesday as I need to walk a route tomorrow and have a clue where I am going. I am not looking forward to any living soul seeing me in lycra. There are actually facebook groups called 'Fat people should never wear lycra' and , while they are nasty, bitchy, vile little groups, I have to reluctantly agree with them.
There was again doubt expressed at the amount of weight I have to lose but I am aiming for the middle of the healthy range for my height. The phrase 'big boned' was bandied about a little and then I admitted that it was more of a 'big arsed' problem. It got me starting reading about that old euphemism, 'big boned'. Am I big boned? My BMI is 31.9 and that puts me in category of obese and definitely in the 'big arsed' category. However, reading this article on 'fat vs. big boned', it suggests that if the length of your elbow is larger than the standard measurements it suggest then you are large framed. I am 160cm in height and my elbow length is 12.5 cm. This is double of what it should be, suggesting that I have a large frame. However, there is no bone in either of my bum cheeks so the mission continues...
Off to watch Glee (again). It's rather epic this evening.
Food: protein shake (Vanilla), egg white omelette mid-morning, smoked salmon salad for lunch, almonds for late-afternoon snack, protein shake (Vanilla)
Supplements: Thermobubbles, Vitamin Superjuice (Raspberry), Flush and Cleanse, Hoodia
Exercise: zilch
Food: protein shake (Vanilla), almonds mid-morning, kippers and poached eggs for lunch, almonds for late-afternoon snack, protein shake (Vanilla)
Supplements: Thermobubbles, Vitamin Superjuice (Raspberry), Flush and Cleanse, Hoodia
Exercise: zilch
Food: protein shake (Vanilla), poached eggs mid-morning, protein shake (Vanilla) for lunch, chicked and red peppers for late-afternoon snack, protein shake (Vanilla)
Supplements: Thermobubbles, Vitamin Superjuice (Raspberry), Flush and Cleanse, Hoodia
Exercise:15 mins of HIIT on Mabel in the morning and 30 mins in the evening
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