I thought I would write a little more about the advice that Kim Tan gave me on Candida. The output from colonic indicated yeast overgrow. Candida usually means Candida Albicans, which is a type of yeast. It is a normal in habitant of the human gut but it is responsible for breaking down complex sugars. However, when it becomes the dominant organism in the gut, it can contribute to many problems. An easy way to diagnose yourself is to take a glass of water, spit in it and, after an hour, if the spit has stayed on the top of the water, you are fine. If it has started to sink to the bottom, if there are trails of it in the water, it’s highly likely you have a yeast overgrowth. I have it, of course. I am following most of the diet and supplements to rid myself of this on your plan, David. However, I need to also cut out mushrooms (they are a fungus) and cut out vinegar (too acidic).
Below are the symptoms of Candida;
Bloating and discomfort, especially after meals
Excess flatulence
White coating on tongue
Dry itchy skin
Griping pains in your lower abdomen.
Constipation or diarrhoea
Fatigue or muscle weakness
Muscle or joint pains, or arthritis
'Brain fog', feelings of unreality or memory loss
Thrush, athlete's foot, ringworm or fungal infection of your nails
Urinary tract infection or vaginal discharge
Depression or tearfulness
'Low' immune system and frequent infections
Sensitivities to foods, tobacco smoke, chemical odours or perfume
Cravings for sugar, bread or alcohol
Symptoms worse on damp, muggy days or in damp, mouldy places
You are particularly likely to have it if you have taken;
Antibiotics taken for more than one month or more than four times within 12 months
Prednisolone or other steroid drugs taken for more than two weeks
Anti-ulcer drugs (e.g. Zantac, Tagamet) taken for more than two months
Birth control pill or hormone replacement therapy for more than two years
To eradicate Candida, you must detox, follow a strict diet and take anti-fungal or anti-parasitic supplements.
Step 1: Detox: Colonics (4-6 Treatments, after that as when needed)
High doses of Probiotics, introduce immediately (no less than 20 billion, with as many strains as possible) for 6 months, or more, depending on how you are recovering
Step 2: Strict Diet: Wheat free, dairy free (especially cow’s milk), sugar-free, yeast-free, and alcohol-free. Do this for 6-12 months and if condition improves gradually reintroduce each item.
Step 3: Anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-parasite: Take supplements such as ‘Floraguard’ or Collodial Silver or Grape-seed extract. Try Garlic caps, oregano, caprillic acid and walnut tincture.
Anti-Candida Diet
Aged cheeses
Dried and fresh fruits
Fermented foods
Glutenous foods (wheat, rye, barley) including pasta
All sugars, honeys and syrups (that includes any ‘ose’, like lactose, sucrose etc)
Foods that contain yeast or mold
Sweetened yogurt
Sweetened Coffee, fruit teas, and soft drinks
Condiments that contain sugar and vinegar (ketchup, pickles, steak sauce etc.)
Vegetables like beetroot, canned tomatoes, carrots, cucumber skins, potato skins
Meats that come from animals fed antibiotics and hormones
Processed frozen dinners and quick meals
Green leafy Vegetables (including plenty of raw garlic),
Protein foods (beef, chicken, eggs, fish that are antibiotic and hormone free)
Live yogurt cultures (both dairy and non-dairy,) whey, acidophilus (non-sweetened types of yogurt) *
Green Algae (such as chlorella)
Nuts and seeds
Healthy oils (olive, canola, fish)
Non-glutenous grains (like millet, rice, rice bran, and oat bran) *
Some fruits (10%) such as black berries, blue berries, melon and other low sugar high nutrient fruits *
Plenty of Water (if you are constipated, try to only drink warm water)
Unsweetened Taheebo Pau d’Arco tea
Olive leaf supplement
Pumpkin skin *
Virgin Coconut Oil *
Maqui Berry
Quinoa *
Fresh Avocado *
Manuka Honey *
(I have put a star next to things that are not allowed in starting phase of the New York Plan)
I am going to get some of the extra supplements from Kim on Saturday for the colonic round two. I need to have a sit and work out all the stuff I am taking as well and see if there are any crossovers or I am double dosing myself with stuff that is in one of the shakes/supplements from your plan.
Here are also some exercises and some lovely reflexology worksheets from Kim. The reflexology sheet shows you that you need massage all facial pressure points for 9 circular motions, always clockwise, on each point. For point number nine of the diagram, the famous dimple, you should massage for 15-20 minutes.
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