Dear David,
What a day! Had an interview this morning with the unpleasant creature that ever walked the face of the earth. I had to restrain myself from hitting her squarely in the face. Started badly with her giving me a test; a paragraph about trade execution and I had to draw the business process. After 7 years in my profession, I take absolute issue with this kind of approach. She grilled me, picked through CV, sneered, sniffed and mocked. She said that she thought my experience was all web and asked if I agreed. I said that my experience was financial services, that I delivered complex financial trading applications, accountacy packages and reporting solutions with many kinds of user interfaces and that I saw web as merely the front-end or UI of an application. She sniffed, curled her lip and said 'Well, if you say so'. I said I thought she was being rather curt. Why do some interviewers do this? You glean exactly the same amount of information but both of you leave with a bad taste in your mouth. It's so devisive and so pointless.
She finished by asking me what I thought of the Agile method. I said 'I think it's like Communism. Good in theory but falls down when you apply human nature to it. If used in a company where there a culture of good communication, accountability and excellence, agile works. Otherwise, it's a posh name for fix and build/quick and dirty with limited documentation and not a lot of governance'. I know the company loves Agile and wondered if this would get a rise out of her. It did. Result.
Agile is always prevalent in companies where developers are reverred as Gods and think they are above writing or working from documentation. I have met two developers in my entire working life who are actually capable of this. I have worked in companies where Agile has been implemented in its purest form, adhered to and the teams have been of the highest calibre people - it's like project utopia, utter heaven. In most places, however, it's very unorganised chaos and the arch enemy of any test team I have ever come across.
Phoned agency immediately after and told them to withdraw application toute-de-suite as I thought the role was not a good fit for me. What I actually wanted to say was - why, oh why would I ever want to work with such an acidic, ascerbic, antagonistic, meglomaniac weirdo? The Oscar Wilde quote sprang to mind, 'Fools ask questions the wise cannot answer'. However, get mad, then get over it. Cleansed my chakras on way back to work as I am sure they were all spinning at the colour of red!
I was going to write more about meditation and more about vitamins but, as a consumate procrastinator, tomorrow is always the most productive day of the week. I just need some time to write something that is not half-assed, which is what I think I would produce this evening.
Got some wonderful new this evening though - I have been accepted in the ballot for the Great North Run. Bring it on!
Food: protein shake (Mocha), egg white omlette and salad, prawns and salad for lunch, almonds for late-afternoon snack, protein shake (Mocha) for dinner
Supplements: Thermobubbles, Vitamin Superjuice (Lemon), Flush and Cleanse, Hoodia
Exercise: 30 minutes on Mabel the cross trainer - heart rate maintained at 155 bpm
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