Dear David,
Another good day today but full of temptations! Came face to face with a Cherry Pie sitting in the kitchen; warm, just out of the oven, a slice out of it and a knife sitting there, calling to me. I turned my back on the pie and went upstairs to seek solace in Mabel. Glad I didn't touch it as when I came down Working Girl was on - definitely in my list of all time favourites films - and Melanie Griffiths was in her lingerie. If there is anything that will get a girl motivated to lose weight, that will do it.
Mabel was a hard task master tonight and I was reluctant to get going and jumped off after 45 minutes. I was quite flat today. A boring day in the office and I was not in good form after 1 hour of pure, unadulterated smut from one of the boys on the bus. The bus that I get to work is full of regulars and we all know each other, by sight or by name. We generally all have a really good laugh. One of the chaps, nice guy, has taken to chatting to me in the morning and he has a particularly hardcore brand of smuttiness. This morning's conversation was positively blue - I genuinely cannot handle it. It makes me totally embarassed. The more I try to fend it off, the worse it got this morning. I find it totally disrespectful so then I spiralled into horrible thoughts why he would think it was ok to talk to me that way, would he talk to someone he respected that way, is he only talking to me like that because I look like a balloon? Or worse, is he a weirdo chubbie chaser? Hysteria, high drama and anxiety!
Thought about it too much and it definitely affected my mood today so I cleaned my chakras on the way home. I found a great chakra meditation from Bowdoin College. The Chakras, first mentioned in the ancient Vedas, the Hindu books of knowledge, is the name given to the seven main energy centers of the body. These energy centres regulate the energy flow throughout our bodies. These centres open and shut depending on what we are feeling and thinking.
Chakras are not physical objects that can be seen, but they are an integral part of our life force keeping our whole mind and body working together.They are located at different points throughout the physical body and are associated with particular parts of the body.Every sense, feeling and experience is connected to a specific chakra.When you are stressed about something, the chakra itself can become unbalancined and this manifests itself as illness or stress in your physical body. Some further reading: The Chakra Bible: The Definitive Guide to Chakra Energy
For your mind, emotions and physical body to be working together in total harmony, the chakras need to be spinning at the correct frequency. To become healthy again, or to maintain a healthy balance or your chakra energy, the individual chakras need to be balanced from time to time. I'm not sure if Chakra meditation is the best meditation to do but I really do believe in the power of meditation and relaxation. More on this tomorrow as Joan Cusack has just uttered the immortal line 'Sometimes I sing and dance around the house in my underwear. Doesn't make me Madonna. Never will'. Have to get back to Working Girl, I know it backwards but it's simply wonderful!
Food: protein shake (Mocha), almonds mid-morning, chicken breast, rocket and red peppers for lunch, almonds for late-afternoon snack, protein shake (Vanilla) for dinner
Supplements: Thermobubbles, Vitamin Superjuice (Lemon), Flush and Cleanse, Hoodia
Exercise: 45 minutes on Mabel the cross trainer - heart rate maintained at 155 bpm
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