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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day Thirty Three & Day Thirty Four: A.K.A The weekend

Dear David,

It was my father's birthday this weekend so I was on breakfast in bed duty. He got quite a haul of gifts and we got the pleasure of singing 'When I'm 64', rather than Happy Birthday. Span into Glasgow for another Colonic at the Buckingham Clinic with Sally and then took mother and father out for lunch and then headed home. I went to Kember and Jones in the West End - simply heavenly. Totally cheated and had a goats cheese salad but am doing the 48-hr detox on Monday so I relished it, positively savoured every bite! I was in a coma for about 10.30pm.

Today I have been doing mainly administrative tasks - expenses, a bit of work, cleaning, washing - and other things of a generally tedious nature. I need to find an old SQL script on an old USB key and I will need to clean out my closet to find it. I am currently mustering up the energy to start this rather arduous task. Why do I procrastinate so much? I have found an app from Andrew Johnston, the clinical hypnotherpist, to stop one procrastinating - it is no word of a lie that I can't seem to get round to listening to it. I will, I must.....

I've been reading this week about the Body-Rocka, a kind of wobble board that really helps with core strength. I think I might buy one. I am finding it really difficult to find a space to exercise with the exercise ball and need to adapt some of your DVD into a program that is going to fit my lifestyle, the space (or lack of it) in my home and my hellish schedule. Roll on the warmer weather and lighter nights when it's going to be easier to start the running training.

There also appears to be a running club at work. I am being a bit of chicken as all I have to do to join is email. The reasons I have not emailed are;

1. I may be totally shit at running and, if this is the case, I'd rather find it out on my own that in a group
2. They will all be amazingly fit and toned and I'll look like a fat pie in running gear
3. I will make a total ass of myself, sweat profusely and turn bright red, lose a lung and collapse after the first 10 minutes

Are these all excuses, David? Yes, I suppose they are but they are also genuine fears. I do need to suck it up and just do it. Feel the fear and all that. Mind over matter. I know this all makes sense. I am still working my way through demolishing 1, 2 and 3. 4 is finding the ultimate sports bra but I have that nailed. Triumph Tri-Action Extreme Sports Bra

Made an almost oil free harissa paste last night too which I then sunk into a tomato sauce and slow cooked some turkey in it. 

Harissa Recipe

  • 10-12 dried red chili peppers
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 tsp of olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon ground coriander
  • 1 teaspoon ground caraway seeds
  • 1/2 teaspoon cumin
Soak the dried chillies in hot water for 30 minutes. Drain and then remove stems and seeds. Combine chillies, garlic, salt and olive oil and blend. Add the spices and blend to form a smooth paste. Store in an airtight container.

Turkey with Harissa
  • 500g of passata
  • 300g of turkey mince
  • 2 tablespoons of harissa paste
  • half an aubergine - diced
Use spray oil to season pan and brown the turkey mince over a very low heat. Add the passata and paste and leave on low simmer for 15 minutes. Add the aubergine and leave to simmer on low heat for 30 minutes. Serve. Yum.

And now I am off to stop putting off finding the elusive USB key...



Food: protein shake (Mocha), egg white omelette, goats cheese salad for lunch, almonds for late-afternoon snack, protein shake (Vanilla)

Supplements: Thermobubbles, Vitamin Superjuice (Lemon), Flush and Cleanse, Hoodia

Exercise: 30 minutes of HIT


Food: protein shake (Mocha), almonds mid morning, turkey, harissa paste stew for lunch, almonds for late-afternoon snack, protein shake (Vanilla)

Supplements: Thermobubbles, Vitamin Superjuice (Lemon), Flush and Cleanse, Hoodia

Exercise: zilch, zero

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