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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day Three: That's a fine mess

Dear David,

How are you? I did really, really well today in the face of much adversity. The usual routine in the morning; I made shake and gulped down at 6am, headed for bus and went to work. I had half a stuffed red pepper for mid-morning snack, the rest of the red peppers for lunch with some spinach. I had little bit of chicken and spinach for mid-afternoon snack. Work is not busy at the moment and it's quite a challenge to overcome the ennui or as Dostoevsky decribes it 'a bestial and indefinable affliction'.

I had to leave work a little early as I had a drinks thing with a recruitment firm that I deal with for work. This was my first real challenge. Not only would there be booze, there would be free booze. I don't miss alcohol as much as I miss free alcohol!

In preparation for the evening, I had made an extra shake this morning to take with me and drink on the train so that I felt full and planned on water for the evening. Oh I felt so smug at being so prepared. Pride does indeed come before a fall and a sludgy mess, it would seem.

Bus from work at 4pm and was on train at 4.49pm my the skin of my teethy, teeth, teeth. I sat down and opened the canvas bag with my work trousers and the lovely blue shake bottle to find that lovely blue shake bottle now contained a mouthful of shake and the rest of my dinner was slowly but surely soaking into my trousers. I drank what was left, dried out bag in the very stinky train toilet and felt a little bit peeved.

I arrived at Queen Street somewhat demoralised but then I remembered that I had almonds in my bag. I ate a handful, contented myself and then remembered that I had £20 worth of free money on my SpaceNK card and I tootled along and picked myself up a treat! Still buzzing from my 10am thermo bubbles, I sipped water all night and was most disciplined. Talked to a couple of peeps about the new regime and they were very supportive, especially 'TBH' who talked me through HIT; high intensity training, and how it would work well with the program. I am sending him links to your website and he's going to have a look. I left about 8.30pm and was home for 9pm. I had some calming bubbles as it seemed just the kind of day that they were made for!

I was going to write to you about Mabel tonight but I simply can't do her justice this evening so I am going to admit defeat and go to my bed.


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