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Monday, April 4, 2011

Day Sixty Nine: Top Fanny

Dear David,

Another really busy, busy day. I put my head down at 9am and when I next looked up it was home time. An unwelcome distraction in the middle as I had a meeting with the angriest man in the whole wide world. He was agressive, nasty, imposing and a total arse into the bargain. A total arse of the highest order. I placated, found solutions and navigated his nasty nature, huge ego and undoubtedly tiny penis. Total waste of my time and energy. I don't understand people who bring their personality problems to work. Work is not there to make you feel more important or smarter or more confident or more accepted. It is there to make you money.

I was,however, determined to make time for a run. I went down, kit bag in hand, to the changing rooms and stripped off. Stuck on t-shirt and then discovered that I had left my joggers at home. EPIC FAIL. I looked like some crazy changing room lady as I scrambled back into my clothes and then swaggered past the people in the restaurant I had passed but mere moments before. 

I was so tired this weekend after a week of hellfire last week. I have been terribly lazy about updating blog. I forgotten to mention that I went to a comedy gig on Saturday night which was so bad that we coined the term 'TRAUMEDY'. The night was topped when, on going to the bathroom, a gentleman paid me a rather strange compliment. He looked me deep in the eyes and said 'Top Fanny'. If you are reading this from the U.S.A, fanny is the colloquial term for vagina here and not ass.

My friends and I mused over when this became an acceptable compliment and also pondered how not down with the kids we are.It has ratified the decision to maintain my single status for a long time to come. I was chatting with some blokes from my work on Friday and they asked me if I was single. I informed that I was and that I was happy being single as I didn't think I was suited to being in a couple. One of them asked me if I was a lesbian. People are made dreadfully uncomfortable by single women of a certain age. They need to define them so the question did not surprise me.

I replied that I wasn't and then uncomfortably tried to explain that I was simply a bit of a freak and that I rather enjoyed my own company and my own space. Next time, I am going to say I am a lesbian - it's decidely quicker and probably makes me sound more interesting than I am! There are a couple of chaps at work that I like but I am always attracted to chaps who are decidely unavailable, emotionally or otherwise. It is definitely because I don't want to be with anyone but I like the idea of having a crush one someone. It passes the time.

On a positive note, my cheekbones have made a welcome come back and skin is looking good. I worked really hard today and achieved a lot. I have found and packed running trousers for tomorrow. Cleaned up the Recipe page. Glee is on tonight and all is right with the world.



Food: protein shake (Vanilla), tiny tin of tuna, protein shake (Vanilla) for lunch, almonds for late-afternoon snack, protein shake (Vanilla)

Supplements: Thermobubbles, Vitamin Superjuice (Raspberry x 3), Flush and Cleanse, Hoodia

Exercise: None, but it wasn't for the want of trying

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