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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day Thirteen: The pies? Who ate them all?

Dear David,

I was reading your book this morning and there was a test that you can do to see if you are in good physical shape. You basically stand in front of the mirror and then wiggle and if your fat moves, you are not toned and at your physical peak. I nearly took my own eye out as waves of blubber undulated from one side to the next. I did, however, solve the mystery of who had eaten all the pies!

Prompted 40 minutes on Mabel, the cross trainer.

Went into Glasgow today and hit Cos and Space NK (again). Quick sting to pick up lovely top that I ho'ed and hummed over yesterday and should have just bought while I was there - 70% off and a great fit. How I love Cos! Between that and Space NK, I have the makings of an addiction.

I did say that I would not weigh myself but I cracked this morning and I have lost a total of 14 pounds - 1 whole stone. Hurray! Did some shopping for some more interesting food. I had shake this morning, flush and cleanse pills and thermobubbles and almonds for snack while on the go. I made calamari and veg for lunch (albeit a little later than I should have had it). It was lush. Took 200g of calamari, broccoli, pak choi, red peppers and kale and fried up with a little drop of spray oil. Delicious. Soaked the calamari in lemon juice and red pepper flakes before cooking. Heaven! Almonds for late snack and shake for dinner methinks.

Marydoll had cream egg in front of me today though and I could have inhaled it, a few times over. Looked great but not worth the guilt and so delighted that I have lost a stone that I resisted the temptation. The raisins are a distant memory.

Still need to find a frog.


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